Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Long Awaited Posting...Is Baby Beanut a Boy or Girl???

Well before I give away the answer. I have to tell you that Dan and I have always just wanted to have a healthy baby since I knew that I would always be a high risk pregnancy. So a healthy baby was the number one important thing to us. However, I will admit, I have always wanted a girl to break the "boy cycle" in my family...secretly I know Dan wanted a girl too. So when we went to the doctor today, to get the ultrasound, we went in with an openmind...After the ultrasound started, and she went over all the anatomy to make sure it was developing properly....just to see Beanut's little fingers and toes, we were both reminded of how blessed and lucky we are! It was just amazing to say, "there is the fingers, there is the hands, there is the toes!" I have to admit, I for sure thought I heard her say ovaries...I was! Then I heard her say diaphram...don't ask what I was thinking, but I believe I said, "Do boys have one of those to?" Then she asked us if we wanted to know the gender...of course we said yes, she told us and said it was 80% accurate...then we got to see some 4D ultrasound pictures. They were really neat-we got to see the baby's face and it looked so real! Afer the Ultrasound technician left, the doctor came in and said, "I heard you aren't too happy you are having a (blank)" we said, "No we are excited, just a little shocked! So then the doctor confirmed 98% accurate it is a GIRL!!! Yes we are having a Baby Girl Beanut!! So if you voted for a were correct! I have to say, my dad's reactions was the best, of course I had to trick him first in the conversation, however, he was the most excited next to our moms! I guess he was on one line with Comcast and after I told him what we were having, he said, did you here that to the Comcast person...I am going to have a granddaugter. This will also be the first granddaughter on Dan's side as well!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Lots of New Visitors to the Blog...But Who Are You!

Dan and I like to think we do a pretty good job of knowing where our families live. I know that a good portion of my Dad's family is in North Dakota, Washington, a cousin in Iowa-NOT Idaho, and a friend in Vegas and also one in California. Some of Dan's family lives here in Washington while some also live in Wisconsin and during the Winter months Florida. So We are trying to figure out who all these other people are that are visiting us...our we forgetting some family members or friends. So if you are from one of these places, let us know by leaving a comment:
*Canada (various locations)
*South Dakota
*New York

There were some other locations too, almost too many that we didn't recognize. We also realize that these locations could be where some of your Internet connections are located, but we thought we would just find out for sure.....and goodness gracious, there is a lot of people from Canada visiting us. I know the Radcliffe's came from Canada at some point, but I didn't think anyone still lived there? So let us know who you are....thanks a bunch!

Check Out the New Baby Beanut Tracker!!

For those of you who like to keep track of changes in Baby Beanut, and what He/She looks like, check out the new tracker on the left! It shows you what the baby looks like in my stomach and what developments have been made. If you click on the one that has a picture of the baby, it was show you how many days have passed in my pregnancy, how many more to go, and how many weeks I am! It is very cool. It is a little reminder that I just have a couple of more months!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Just a Few Days Left To Vote!!!

Well a lot has happened since I last logged on....I had a birthday on January 21st. There is nothing like being pregnant and turning 29! I did absolutely nothing...pretty much! I went shopping and out to dinner with Xenia. No presents that day.... woe is me-But I did get a funny teacher card from Xenia! I do have a wonderful little family combined birthday coming up on the 2nd! On Friday we did get to go and see the Blue Man Group with David and Gretchen from our church. It was fun...quite the comedians...I am referring to the show and not David :o) Just Kidding! It was a great time, I especially like their comedy skits the best. Oh, and one more thing....finally felt the "flitter" in my stomach during communion on Sunday, kind of funny. Now I don't feel like the bad mom! For those of you who have seen the Friends episode in which Rachel sees her baby for the first time on the ultrasound...that is how I feel sometimes. One more my first handful of 1 mm stretch marks right next to my belly button and my belly button is starting to pop out...Now I believe I am pregnant and not just fat!

Now on to what I really wanted to write about...Don't forget to vote...and I am not talking about your absentee President Ballot coming out...I am talking about you vote for whether Baby Beanut is a girl or boy. I really have no clue. Only 27 people have voted-and there is only two days left. It is suppose to snow that day here in Washington, but I informed Dan that he will get me to the hospital one way or another...Beanut just needs to be good!! Well have a great day!

Check out the picture below of Dan and I during Christmas...I believe I was 12 weeks pregnant! Oh look my face hasn't gotten fat yet!! We look like we are in a "New Parents to Be" Daze!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Update on Baby Beanut and The Ratliff's!

Hi Everyone-
Sorry I haven't posted anything new lately. I just went back to work on January 7th after 2 weeks of Winter is the best part about being a teacher....of course the kids are great too!! I have heard from many family and friends that they have checked out the Blog and it is great to hear from you! Since I last posted anything, many exciting things have happened! We received the test results back from part of my combined screening. I was at my sister's house when I received the call that Beanut has a very low chance of having Downs Syndrome! That was great news for thing to check off. I also went to the Doctor yesterday, only gained 3 pounds total since I got pregnant! Yoooohoooo! However, on a different note, I heard the baby's heartbeat and Beanut is still going strong. The doctor asked me if I had felt the baby kick yet? Uhhh, no.....I don't think so, I said. So we will be on the look out for that. In addition to doctor stuff, My uncle Scott got re-married...sorry family, no pictures yet (Nikki...will you send me a few to post?) My cousin Nicole came in town from Tim-buck-too....just kidding, Idaho! However, it might as well be far away since we never see her because she is so far away! We also started shopping for baby furniture....ugggghhhh. This has been going on since Christmas I swear! My parents have been gracious to help us out this the baby furniture, but goodness gracious, I am now thinking helping us out with carpet would have been better. It is so hard to find good quality furniture made of wood. I went with my sister over break looking, my parents, and Dan. We finally found something, but of course it only comes in one color, and it is the color we are trying to avoid! So back to the "drawing board!" Anyone who has been around me knows I am a planner, so this is driving me crazy. Last, but not least, I have officially lost my brain this week, and made a fool of myself! I was sitting in the lunchroom, I had just finished a conversation with my principal, one of the secretaries, and some of the Para-Eds at my school about having "Mommy-Brain." Then I turn around, walked into the office and said, "I need a calculator, I don't remember what 50 divided by 2 is"......No comment please, I have already embarrassed myself enough this week and I turn 29 on Monday-I am loosing my brain early! On that note, I will leave you will some cute kitty videos/pictures. Check them out!

Maisey trying to figure out what is in the shoe!

Maisey and Isabella-Queens of the Towels!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Only 23 Days left to vote!

Don't forget to vote if Baby Beanut is a Boy or Girl...your votes are hidden so we have no way of knowing what you voted! The voting area is on the left-just select your choice and hit vote! That's it!! So far the vote that Beanut is a girl is winning!!

A Shirt for Baby Beanut!!

As I stated in the earlier entry, I went shopping with my sister on Friday. We went to lunch at the Nordstrom Cafe and checked out some baby hot spots! One of the shops we went into was Baby Gap. While there we were looking at all the bay clothes, and then tada, this little onesie popped up! Since we call our baby Beanut, which stands for "Baby Peanut," my sister thought this would be appropriate. It turns out they make one in pink too, however it is only on their website. However, I think this one is the best gender non-specific!! It is just so cute and we bought it!

The 16 week Picture-4 months down, 5 months to go!

Yes I am officially 4 months pregnant today!! So here is the picture to document this time! Can you tell I am thrilled...You might think I am still small, but I feel like a "Rollie Pollie Ollie!" This picture was actually take on Friday as I was headed out the door to go shopping with my sister! So it was taken a few days early, but I still look the same! At this time I am starting to notice a lot of changes.. . . . . .I am forgetting things, I mean things instantaneously, the minute I think of what to say, poof, it is gone. We call this "Mommy Brain." Food seems to be another issue. Everything is dripping and falling on my clothes. I was just talking with my sister about this on Wednesday while I was at her house, and not even 10 seconds later it happened while I was talking. Of course my sister didn't say anything because she thought is was tooo funny! I should just get rid of plates and eat off of my shirt because that is what is has come to!! No more real morningsickness, of course I never really had any, just nausea, however, the back aches really hurt! My back hurts to put on pants, it hurts to sleep at night, and sitting in a computer chair typing this is hurting my back. RockBand has become difficult to play, I have to sit on a table for back/stomach support! Even though this is all part of the pregnancy routine...I can't wait till it's over-and I will have a precious little crying baby!! Remember I teach 50 Kindergarten students...I can handle the crying and whining!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Is Baby Beanut a Boy or Girl?

We have set up a poll to the left for our visitors to vote whether Baby Beanut is a Boy or Girl. The poll will end on January 30th at 9:30pm. This is because on January 31st we have an ultrasound to find out how the baby is doing......and to see if it is a boy or girl! So happy voting and remember....the only piece of information we know is the baby's heartbeat is 150 beats per a minute-if that helps any of you who believe in those old tales!!

New Year's Fun, Rockband Continues, and Baby Beanut is DUE IN 25 WEEKS!!!

It was a busy New Years at the Ratliff's! My cousin Eric and my cousin-in-law....I guess you would call her....Christina came over, our good friends Kris and Melissa came over, and then Dan, myself, and Baby Beanut joined the fun! We went out to a nameless Mexican restaurant and had fun...however, the service took forever! Then we came back and played the next best game to RockBand.....Scene-It for the Xbox! This is a movie trivia game with buzzers and everything! The couples played against each other, and we couldn't help each other either! We had a lot of about 11:30pm we decided to play Rockband!!! Yes the craze continues....Dan started off on guitar, I sang with Melissa, Kris tried the drums, and Eric and Christina watched! Then midnight hit, we toasted a little, sparkling apple cider for me and Beanut of course, made noise on the front step, said Happy New Years, and watched the fireworks malfunction on the Space Needle! Under important events in Baby Beanut's baby 2008 the fireworks didn't go off!!

Then everyone switched, at one point I even tried the drums...I am going to need lots of practice! By the end of the night...or rather morning....since we played until 2:00am...Chris was doing awesome on the guitar, Eric was doing great on the drums, Melissa was doing a lot better singing without me, and Christina was dead tired! Check out the pictures below!!

Happy New Year!!!
Happy New Year after we stood on the front porch making A LOT Of NOISE with our noisemakers!

The 12:45am jamming starts...check out the clock on the wall!

We were so proud of Chris...he is not a video-game kinda guy...but now he is!! I think Christina might be observing in the background...we will get her to play soon!Singing a duet...Melissa and Me!
Eric doing an awesome job on the drums!

I think Baby Beanut had a great first New Year!! I know we have decided to challenge My sister's family...The Bobins to a Rockband face-off this weekend. I was over there this evening playing Rockband with the boys, my sister, and Brother-in-law...and I have to say they do a pretty good job!!! We will have to see how it turns out!!

By the way...Baby Beanut is due in 25 weeks (Thanks for the update Renee-I can't keep track of these things)! Hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year!!

We Can Tell Who Is Visiting Us!!

Thanks to our friend Renee's great research, we were able to add a map function to our blog (Check out the left side). We can now tell who is stopping by to visit us!! Besides the family here in Washington, I know we should have some visitors from Las Vegas, North Dakota, Minnesota, Florida, plus a lot of other places! We look forward to hearing from you!