The day after her great tummy time, my mom was over and Kalia started getting fussy. My mom suggested giving her a pacifier. She won't take her green newborn pacifier, so I decided to try some of the other 5,000 pacifiers she has. Sure enough she took the first one I gave her.
Here is a picture of my mom holding Kalia right after we gave her the pacifier.
She looks so happy with her pacifier.
So the original pacifier we gave her closes automatically when it falls out of her mouth...however, somehow it kept closing on her mouth, so we had to change to another kind. She now likes the MAM ones BUT...they have to be the silicone silk ones...she won't take the regular ones. She is so picky.
On Monday, August 4th I was changing Kalia's diapers in the morning and noticed blood in her stool. We called the pediatrician and they wanted to see her. Turns out she had a fissure...essentially a cut in her behind where she goes to the bathroom...OUCH! So the doctor gave strict instructions, no more diaper creams right now, just straight 20% ONLY zinc oxide. OK, I didn't know I was going to be on the run around. Anyway, while I was gone, Dan took a picture of Kalia smiling, something she has been doing a lot lately! Notice she has a Daddy's little girl bib...maybe because she loves her daddy sooooo much!
On Wednesday, August 6th my friend from school/work brought her son over, Luke. He is 4 years old and will have a little brother in December. He really wanted to hold Kalia and thought she was really cute. So we let him hold her. He is going to be such a great big brother. She was so good for him...until 7pm when we went over to my sister's for our nephew Judd's birthday. She was fine for a while, then at about 7:30pm she had to eat..and then became very cranky because it was close to her bed time. So after a lot of crying, missing out on a lot of Judd's birthday, we decided we better take her home. For 15 minutes she cried and cried! Finally we got home, she heard her sleepy music and was out!
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