Sunday, August 24, 2008

Kalia is 7 Weeks Old! she was 7 weeks old about a week and a half ago...but I just haven't had time to post! I did take pictures though! At 7 weeks Kalia was smiling up a storm and trying to laugh. She slept through the night, meaning she goes down for bed at about 9pm and wakes up somewhere between 5 and 6am, then goes back to sleep to wake up somewhere between 8 and 9am. She slept more during the day...I think she was going through a growing spurt!

Her newborn clothes are getting too small and she seems to be now in a definite 3 month size! She loves her daddy a lot, probably because she is so tired of looking at me all day! She is definitely "daddy's little princess." Dan won't admit this, but I see it...she loves to laugh at him when he makes silly faces and talks to her!

She has been hanging out with Auntie Jennifer a lot! On the Saturday following her 7 week mark, it was 90 degrees out so Dan's sister came over and hung out with us for the day, Kalia made her first visit to the Driving Range to watch her daddy and Auntie hit some golf balls, then she went to her first restaurant, Shaun O'Donnell's. She did very well, except Dan and I had to take turns eating - oh the joys of parenting. Kalia has also been spending lots of time with her cousins Decker and Judd and her Auntie April. She loves all the action that goes around at my sisters house, which is a good thing since that is where she will be when I go back to work! At 7 weeks, Kalia has grown so much!

I do have to add...check out her very cute strawberry outfit from the Shepherd's...I don't think she has enough hair for the head band! What you can't see is her matching strawberry collared shirt and strawberry socks (my mom found the socks at a Gymboree outlet)!

Kalia in her beautiful strawberry outfit! She is so pretty!

Kalia "talking with her eyes."

Auntie April's favorite "oooooo's!"

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