Sunday, October 26, 2008

Kalia is Dedicated and Turns 4 Months!

Today Kalia was dedicated to God at our church. For those of you who don't understand the differnece between dedication, batismal, and is simple. Dedication is the cermony of dedicated a child to God...essentially giving the child back to God. Baptism is a ceremony in which someone chooses on their own to follow God. Although in both ceremonies a child is sprinkled with water. Later in life, if Kalia chooses, and when she is ready, she can make the choice on her own to be baptised and make a commitment on her own to follow God. Right now we are making the commitment that as parents we will help her to follow God and set a good example. As of today, Kalia is officially a child of God. In combination, Kalia also turned 4 months yesterday!! Yeah...already she is trying to sit up on her own! Here is a picture of us along with Kalia's Godmother's and her grandparents in the front of the church.
Here is the picture they had up on the screen during her dedication.

Pastor Steve and Kalia...she only cried for a second...she sees him every Sunday....I don't know what her deal was! The really cool thing is that Pastor Steve just married us three years ago in August!!

The big family up front...hey look there is our friend Tyler's sleeve in the plaid!!

The three of us after the ceremony. Kalia was such a good girl!!
We have one more entry of pictures-so check that out too!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so sad that we missed the big event. :( We had planned on coming and I forgot that it was our cousin's first b-day that weekend too, we ended up staying up in Mt Vernon. Sorry we missed it! Love to all of you!