Hey there! Remember us?
Sorry it's been so long since we've put up a posting last. As Kalia has gotten bigger, she's a bit more of a handful to take care of during the day, so Michelle hasn't had the time to keep our site going. With me being the only person working...yah...enough said :)
Anyway, enough of the excuses - above is a current picture of our little angel. She'll turn 4-months this Saturday! Time is flyyyyyyyyyying by. Her four month shots are tomorrow...can't wait. If they were anything like her two-month shots, she'll cry for 10 minutes, fall asleep, then be in pain all of the next day. WOO HOO!
Kalia is doing awesome. Here are a few things she's doing:
* She's starting to lean up to sit up and can stay there for a little bit on her own
* She LOVES it when you make froggy (ribbit) noises
* You can say just about anything (i.e. Hi.) to her from 7am - 10am and she will bust out laughing. You can say that same thing to her from 6pm - 8pm and she'll fall asleep.
* If you set some toys out in front of her, she'll work on grabbing them and will snag one eventually - as with everything else in sight...she'll then cram it in her mouth
* The last two nights - she slept for 10-hours straight!
I think that's it - I'm sure I'm missing something. She's growing so fast!
We promise that we'll get posts up faster from now on. We're starting to get the hang of things, so we'll make sure you stay with us as she grows up.
Until next time!
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