Everyone who was there....except my friend Sharon who had to leave early and my friend Xenia who was kind enough to stay with the cake table. She along with my sister served all the cake and "manned" the dessert table! We appreciate everyone showing up and being there to support us and Kalia! Thank you! For those of you who couldn't make it...we missed you!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Dedication Part 2-More Pictures!
Here are some more pictures...Here is the table with her cake little mini brownies my sister did and yummy sugar cookies that my sister's sister-in-law did,
Here is a full length picture of Kalia with her dress on. The dress was actually the same dress I wore when I was baptised..my mom made the whole dress and sewed all the little embellishments on it. The new additions to the dress include little satin shoes I got from a friend and my mom made Kalia a bib to match her dress.
Daddy and Kalia after the dedication!
There is Kalia in her dress with her Angel doll my mom gave her....she likes chewing on it. In addition, Kalia got a lot of wonderful very precious gifts. Check back and I will have another picture of those posted soon!

Everyone who was there....except my friend Sharon who had to leave early and my friend Xenia who was kind enough to stay with the cake table. She along with my sister served all the cake and "manned" the dessert table! We appreciate everyone showing up and being there to support us and Kalia! Thank you! For those of you who couldn't make it...we missed you!
Everyone who was there....except my friend Sharon who had to leave early and my friend Xenia who was kind enough to stay with the cake table. She along with my sister served all the cake and "manned" the dessert table! We appreciate everyone showing up and being there to support us and Kalia! Thank you! For those of you who couldn't make it...we missed you!
Kalia is Dedicated and Turns 4 Months!
Today Kalia was dedicated to God at our church. For those of you who don't understand the differnece between dedication, batismal, and christening...it is simple. Dedication is the cermony of dedicated a child to God...essentially giving the child back to God. Baptism is a ceremony in which someone chooses on their own to follow God. Although in both ceremonies a child is sprinkled with water. Later in life, if Kalia chooses, and when she is ready, she can make the choice on her own to be baptised and make a commitment on her own to follow God. Right now we are making the commitment that as parents we will help her to follow God and set a good example. As of today, Kalia is officially a child of God. In combination, Kalia also turned 4 months yesterday!! Yeah...already she is trying to sit up on her own!
Here is a picture of us along with Kalia's Godmother's and her grandparents in the front of the church.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
We Hope your Pumpkin Day is as Sweet as Ours!!!
Last week Kalia had her pictures taken with her Halloween costume. She was having such a tough day! She was crying and whining. We went and met up with her friend Sadie who got her pictures taken right before Kalia. While Kalia was crying, Sadie just kept staring at her trying to figure what her problem was....so was I. To get the few smiles we did, I had to jump up and down! My friend Angela was doing the same thing. Can you guess what she is...it is something sweet!! Even though she gave us such a hart time during her pictures she still a sweet little baby! Click on the link to see the pictures!
SFC RockBand Night!
On Friday night we had as many of our friends from Seattle Family Church over to play RockBand! As you can see, the adults got into it just as much as the kids did! It was a great time - thanks to Michael, Elizabeth, Aaron, Caleb, Jacob, Ashley, Travis, Emily, Catherine (I think), Dianna, Madison, Tyler and Amy for making it over. We had a blast...it was the first night in a LONG time that Michelle and I stayed up past 8:30pm :)
Monday, October 20, 2008
Four Months!
Hey there! Remember us?
Sorry it's been so long since we've put up a posting last. As Kalia has gotten bigger, she's a bit more of a handful to take care of during the day, so Michelle hasn't had the time to keep our site going. With me being the only person working...yah...enough said :)
Anyway, enough of the excuses - above is a current picture of our little angel. She'll turn 4-months this Saturday! Time is flyyyyyyyyyying by. Her four month shots are tomorrow...can't wait. If they were anything like her two-month shots, she'll cry for 10 minutes, fall asleep, then be in pain all of the next day. WOO HOO!
Kalia is doing awesome. Here are a few things she's doing:
* She's starting to lean up to sit up and can stay there for a little bit on her own
* She LOVES it when you make froggy (ribbit) noises
* You can say just about anything (i.e. Hi.) to her from 7am - 10am and she will bust out laughing. You can say that same thing to her from 6pm - 8pm and she'll fall asleep.
* If you set some toys out in front of her, she'll work on grabbing them and will snag one eventually - as with everything else in sight...she'll then cram it in her mouth
* The last two nights - she slept for 10-hours straight!
I think that's it - I'm sure I'm missing something. She's growing so fast!
We promise that we'll get posts up faster from now on. We're starting to get the hang of things, so we'll make sure you stay with us as she grows up.
Until next time!
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