Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy 1 Month Birthday Kalia!!

Okay-so I realize we are a few days late posting Kalia's 1 month pictures, however, since Dan has gone back to work, the Blog is up to me again! I took some pictures the day Kalia turned 1 month with our brand new camera that finally came the night before. Kalia has gotten a lot bigger. She now lets us sleep longer then 3 hour spurts every night and she is growing out of her fact, she is has grown so much in length, she didn't get to wear all of her new clothes because they don't fit! She loves to watch and look at Dan and I when we talk to her...and absolutely LOVES her new aquarium swing (thanks for the positive feedback Renee)! She loves to listen to the music, watch the lights, and watch the fish go around and around! She is growing up to be such a big girl...we think she has even smiled when it wasn't gas! She is very strong and even holds up her head at times! Every day we have grown to love the little things about her even more. Including those times she constantly spits up and lets out a little toot! Check out some pictures that were taken of her!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwwww! She is so precious!
The time sure seems to fly, especially now that you can sleep!