Happy Three Week Birthday Kalia!
We were able to take some still pictures from our video camera, so there you go! We got some good shots while she was awake...and one with Jaggy in the background sleeping. As you can see, the kitties don't seem to be bothered by her, which is awesome! So, here is a recap of the last week:
On Saturday, Grandma Jane came over and helped us give Kalia a bath. K seemed to enjoy it and had a great time - we feel more comfortable doing it by ourselves now. Thanks Grandma Jane!
After she left, we went out on our first grocery shopping trip up to Fred Meyers. Guess what? That's right! She slept the entire time :)
On Sunday, Michelle got Kalia ready for church and drove her there all by herself. I had to be there at 8:00am, so rather than go to rehearsal with me, the girls slept in and came by themselves. Great job Mommy on getting there on time and in one piece! Sunday afternoon, Melissa and Chris came over and we went to the Mill Creek Festival - of course, Kalia slept the entire time...surrounded by noise...in the 85-degree heat. Not sure how she does it.
We ate dinner at Palino's - but before Michelle could eat, Kalia decided to get hungry, so Michelle took her into the Women's room and changed her (K decided to poop and pee AGAIN...WHILE Michelle was changing her...). After that, Michelle brought her back outside and fed her on the the sidewalk right in the middle of the Mill Creek Towncenter. It was awesome :) Sorry, no pictures of it...even if we had a camera...
On Monday, while I was at my Church Board meeting and softball game, Auntie Jennifer came over and helped Michelle by watching Kalia for a few hours. Of course, she slept most of the time :) - thanks Auntie Jen for taking time out of our day to help out!
Tuesday - Michelle had a Dr's appointment in the morning, so we all went there. Then went to the mall for a couple minutes. Ashley Strickler came over in the afternoon to watch over Kalia and play with her for a few hours. Ashley is an awesome babysitter as well and is hired :) - thanks to you too, Ashley, for taking time out of your day off during the week to help out - you're an angel!
And then there's today! At 12:58pm, Kalia will be 3-weeks old! Time is flying by and she's growing a little more every day. She's more awake during the day and is sleeping really well at night. Only concerns at the moment are that she's spitting up a little more than what we think is normal, so we're going to keep an eye on it and make sure she's digesting okay. Making sure we're feeding her right and burping her on time is key, so we're working hard to make sure we're doing everything we can to help. We're getting pretty good sleep most nights...we usually get a good 2-3 hour sleep from 10pm - 1pm, then up for an hour, then usually a little less than two hours at a time until morning. We're very happy with that :) A couple of nights ago, she slept from 10pm - 3am which was SWEET.
We're also having a good time trying to play the game of: "When We Bring You Into the Room to Change You, Let's See How Quick We Can Finish Before You Poop and Pee All Over Mommy and Daddy". She seems to enjoy the sensation of the baby wipes on her bottom...so when we get to that point, her bowels seem to wake up :)
On Sunday, right as Michelle was getting her new diaper on, Kalia decided to pass gas and out shot a stream of both poo (gross) and pee...right on Michelle! It was awesome. Chris and Melissa were there to witness it. Again, sorry, no pictures. We went through 4 diapers in about 3 minutes. It's a fun game though...she wins most of the time, but when I win...I celebrate by running around the room cheering. By the time I get back to her to rub it in her face...she usually has already soiled her diapers again so we start the game all over. I'll take small victories though...
That's about it! As usual...we'll keep everyone posted.
- Dan, Michelle and our little Angel
Checking in from Hawaii....Grandma, Grandpa, Auntie, Uncle, and Cousins and Grand Auntie. We love seeing the new pics. Looking for a hula skirt in size 1 month :)See you in a few days. She is so adorable. What a nani keiki. Gotta get ready for the luau wikiwiki. Aloha.
Congratulations Michelle & Dan (aka Mom & Dad)! We can see both of you in her cute little face! Hope to see Kalia in person sometime soon.
Alan, Diana & girls
Thanks again for posting the pictures! ...sure beats the way I had to do it: mailing pics.!
You're right, every "little" victory is sweet, and very worth it!
Keep having lots of fun!
Ruthie :-)
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