Sorry we haven't posted anything for a while! Things have been a bit crazy around here. On Friday, June 6th, I visited the doctor. I am 60% effaced 2 cm dilated. Oh, and the doctor said the baby is not looking late...she is looking 1 to 2 weeks early. With that information in mind, our weekend continued. On Saturday we celebrated Dan's step-mom's birthday with a surprise party at Dan's sister's house! This past week, has been a bit chaotic for me, school is out on the 18th, I have report cards due the 11th, and I have been trying to finish testing and Kindergarten memory books. Again I saw the doctor this last Friday, for yet another wonderful exam...still at 60% effaced, 2cm dilated...YES!!! I know you all think I am crazy, but this week I have the report cards due and Kindergarten graduation...oh and we meet the pediatrician on Saturday morning. With that said I don't have time right now to have a baby. My sister did come over last week on Wednesday...my bed rest day....oh, yeah, the doctor did recommend some of those since I have been having constant contractions after 12:00pm everyday. The doctor thinks I am crazy for working till the end!! But today is Sunday, woke up sick, not sure what is is from, stomach hurts, back pain, and yes I was crying and telling Dan, I don't have time to have a baby right now...I have so much to do. He finished putting in the car seats, I packed some last things, we grocery shopped, and right now I am getting ready to head to bed. The last full week of school is this week, and I am very worried I am going to have this baby before everything has been taken care of.
By the way...I haven't forgot about thank you notes...they are coming everyone. I am usually so prompt, but again between my chaotic life, work, and my numb writing fingers from the carpal tunnel, I am doing a few each day! Take care!
1 comment:
you look so cute being pregnant
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