We brought Kalia home on Friday at around 3:00pm. The evening went really well - until we tried to get to bed :). Kalia had some acid reflux problems right off the bat - so everytime we laid her down, she would have some fluids build up in her throat and she couldn't sleep. So, we fed, we held her (she would pass out in Michelle's arms no problem, but it's hard to sleep yourself with a baby in your hands...) and we called the doctor just to make sure we were doing everything right.
At about 5:00am she finally went to sleep after trying to set her down in her bed. We slept from 5:30am - 8:00am. Not too bad for the first night.
The 2nd night (last night - Saturday night) - she slept like an ANGEL! Slept from 12:30am - 4:30am and was only waken up because we had to feed her. At 5:30am we set her back down and she slept until 9:00am when we woke up ourselves. AWESOME! Was good to get some great sleep - both Michelle and I fell energized all over again.
Couple of thank you's so far - Thank you April, Jenny & Tom Radcliffe for all of your help so far around the house. April came over and watched her for 8-10 hours on Saturday so that Michelle and I could nap for an hour or two. Jenny and Tom have helped keep things straight around the house -- a huge help. Thanks to my parents for checking in and making sure we're still alive :) - always good to have that around!
Kalia - a couple of things (amongst a dozen) that we love about you so far:
* Your little coo'ing sounds as you sleep. And the little puppy-dog whimpers you do.
* When you open your little eyes and focus on us for only second
* For the cute little sneezes and other funny noises you make when you're awake
* For the tight little grip that will make hanging onto a 3-Wood come in handy
Things I've (Daddy) learned so far:
* Always have a burp rag handy
* Eating a sandwich with one hand isn't really that hard
* You CAN watch golf, drink coffee, and hold a baby at the same time
* Sleep is overrated
* Always have a burp rag handy (yes, I said it twice)
Will keep everyone updated as much as possible!!
She is so cute. Wish I could hold her, I'm good at the whole burp rag, one handed sandwich thing by now. You'll be a pro by the time I get there. . . . and yes, sleep is overrated - until month 2 when you start to fall asleep at the dinner table.
You guys are doing a great job as new parents. I would like to add my new favorite is when she makes that face like she is saying "ooooh" It even looks like she is trying to whistle. Lots of fun! Loved helping. We just love her. Auntie April, Uncle Jack, Cousin Judd and Cousin Decker
mommie and daddy are doing a great job!. Kalia, grandma has a nickname now for you: "dollie dimples" You have your dad's dimples and his easy going attitude...mommies sound sleep and love for good food. Grandpa and I finally got to see your eyes open and you sure look around and are so alert. You are sooo beautiful( yes just like mommie.) Cousins Decker and Judd love you and want to hold you, everyone does!
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