It was a busy New Years at the Ratliff's! My cousin Eric and my cousin-in-law....I guess you would call her....Christina came over, our good friends Kris and Melissa came over, and then Dan, myself, and Baby Beanut joined the fun! We went out to a nameless Mexican restaurant and had fun...however, the service took forever! Then we came back and played the next best game to RockBand.....Scene-It for the Xbox! This is a movie trivia game with buzzers and everything! The couples played against each other, and we couldn't help each other either! We had a lot of about 11:30pm we decided to play Rockband!!! Yes the craze continues....Dan started off on guitar, I sang with Melissa, Kris tried the drums, and Eric and Christina watched! Then midnight hit, we toasted a little, sparkling apple cider for me and Beanut of course, made noise on the front step, said Happy New Years, and watched the fireworks malfunction on the Space Needle! Under important events in Baby Beanut's baby 2008 the fireworks didn't go off!!
Then everyone switched, at one point I even tried the drums...I am going to need lots of practice! By the end of the night...or rather morning....since we played until 2:00am...Chris was doing awesome on the guitar, Eric was doing great on the drums, Melissa was doing a lot better singing without me, and Christina was dead tired! Check out the pictures below!!

The 12:45am jamming starts...check out the clock on the wall!
We were so proud of Chris...he is not a video-game kinda guy...but now he is!! I think Christina might be observing in the background...we will get her to play soon!
Singing a duet...Melissa and Me!
Eric doing an awesome job on the drums!
I think Baby Beanut had a great first New Year!! I know we have decided to challenge My sister's family...The Bobins to a Rockband face-off this weekend. I was over there this evening playing Rockband with the boys, my sister, and Brother-in-law...and I have to say they do a pretty good job!!! We will have to see how it turns out!!
By the way...Baby Beanut is due in 25 weeks (Thanks for the update Renee-I can't keep track of these things)! Hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year!!
1 comment:
Cute photos! Can you photoshop the one of us singing? Not a flattering shot of me! Just kidding! We'll definitely have to set up another night to jam!
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