Well a lot has happened since I last logged on....I had a birthday on January 21st. There is nothing like being pregnant and turning 29! I did
absolutely nothing...pretty much! I went shopping and out to dinner with Xenia. No presents that day.... woe is me-But I did get a funny teacher card from Xenia! I do have a wonderful little family combined birthday coming up on the 2
nd! On Friday we did get to go and see the Blue Man Group with David and Gretchen from our church. It was fun...quite the comedians...I am referring to the show and not David :o) Just Kidding! It was a great time, I
especially like their comedy skits the best. Oh, and one more thing....finally felt the "
flitter" in my stomach during communion on Sunday, kind of funny. Now I don't feel like the bad mom!
For those of you who have seen the Friends episode in which Rachel sees her baby for the first time on the ultrasound...that is how I feel sometimes. One more thing...got my first handful of 1 mm stretch marks right next to my belly button and my belly button is starting to pop out...Now I believe I am pregnant and not just fat!
Now on to what I really wanted to write about...Don't forget to vote...and I am not talking about your absentee President Ballot coming out...I am talking about you vote for
whether Baby
Beanut is a girl or boy. I really have no clue. Only 27 people have voted-and there is only two days left. It is suppose to snow that day here in Washington, but I informed Dan that he will get me to the
hospital one way or another...
Beanut just needs to be good!! Well have a great day!
Check out the picture below of Dan and I during Christmas...I believe I was 12 weeks pregnant! Oh look my face hasn't gotten fat yet!! We look like we are in a "New Parents to Be" Daze!!
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