So I am going to try to remember everything that happened in the month of January....sorry it has taken so long to update this blog!! For starters this winter Kalia had a lot of colds...therefore she had an inebulizer (sp?) with saline treatments. During January I turned 30 and my in laws surprised me on my birthday with a cake. I went out with my family to celebrate my birthday at Tulaip casino for their brunch and Kalia went to a casino for the first time. Cousin Justin also had his birthday party...he turned 16! Dan couldn't make it, so Kalia and I headed out for her birthday with Jessica and Auntie Jennifer. We also went and saw Thomas the train with my friend Angela and her daughter Sadie. She loved the show and had so much fun! Since Angela's husband works for the Everett Events Center we were able to sit a couple of rows from the stage. We even had our family pictures done...but technically, Kalia was still 6 months for thos since we had them done on the 1st of January! Check out the website: Kalia has made some big growing milestones in January. We are still not crawling or walking and have no desire to, but Kalia is doing a lot of other stuff!!
*She puts a blankie on her head and when we say "Where's Kalia?" she pulls it off! (Thanks Auntie April for teaching her that)
*She loves baths and chewing on rubber duckies.
*She sleeps in bed with mom and dad because she was sick so much with colds.
*She is good at laying on her tummy and moving from side to side.
*She loves to pet the cats
*Her first word was "dada" and she said it on Jan.24th...a few days later she said "mama"
Kalia is growing so much...she is turning into such a little person!

Grandma Jane and Kalia.

Cousin Justin's birthday party.

Kalia chewing on a blower at mommy's birthday!

Kalia and mommy smiling for the cake!
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