I bet you weren't expecting those pictures to pop up right when you loaded our webpage wanting to see how Kalia is doing, did you? :) Here's the story:
So, for those of you who don't know, I play a character named Gordo Finkenhoffer in our Church's drama production called "KidStuf"; it's where "kids bring their parents to church." The last play, Gordo was in a "try-try again-athlon" in whice he had to wear a ridiculous workout outfit. It was so ridiculous...that I decided to wear it again for Halloween :)
Ok, now what you came here to see. Below are a couple of pictures of K when Michelle brought her to my work to show her off. Super cute!

Oh and I forgot to say: You Go Gordo!
It may be that my other comment didn't post. . . sorry for the confusion!
I just said: You are 100% correct...super cute!
She is just too cute for words! Michelle- she smiles just like you!
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