Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Playing in the Snow!
So Dan took my car to work today...it is the snow car...so Kalia and I were stranded at home! So Auntie Jennifer came over, and we took Kalia out in the snow for the first time to play!
Touching snow...the part you didn't see was she cried right afterwards.
Auntie Jennifer and Kalia in the snow!
Kalia's footprints in the snow!
The three of us!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
This One is for the Shepherd's!!
So it has been snowing the this week on and off and very COLD!! Jeff and Renee grew up in Seattle, but are now in Vegas, so I thought I would take some beautiful pictures of the cold snow for them. So now I have two school snow days to make up, and Dan has the day off. I know you get some snow in the mountains, but in this snow roads have been closed, people have pulled their cars over to the side of the road, and many businesses are closed. I hope you guys enjoy this! I know Kalia has enjoyed her first snow. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Kalia Visits Santa!!
So today...most of the school districts were closed due to the "Threat of Snow" the news said. We were scheduled to get snow around noon today...well let's just say it is 1:57, warm, wet, and there is still no snow. Buy anyhow, I decided today would be a great day to get Kalia's Santa pictures done. Since my friend Sharon is also a teacher, her school district was closed as well, so she came over to help me out. We headed to Kenmore to the Lake Forest Park shopping mall...they have the old Fredrick Nelson's Santa setup there and there was no wait. Waiting to see her first picture was also my mom, dad, and sister as well. To get Kalia to smile, we packed her bumble bee finger puppet and were off.
As soon as I got there I changed Kalia into her outfit, and she did an awesome job! She smiled and everything! No tears...she even played with his beard too. I brought the camera to video tape it, and I was able to get her initial reaction to Santa, however, for some reason, the camera was more full then I thought, so we weren't able to get as many pictures as I had hoped. My sister is putting her on his lap, and I am armed with a bumble bee to make her smile! Santa did ask my parents if they wanted to come up and get a picture taken with their grandchild and Santa with our camera.....I was thinking what about mommy. However, Santa said that she probably wouldn't get another chance to have pictures done with grandma and grandpa. So plan on seeing the REAL Santa pictures when they come next week, and until then, here is the video and some pictures to tide you over...they aren't the greatest, but they work. Happy Holidays everyone!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Kalia's First Bite of Food!
Yes...I know I haven't posted Kalia's First Thanksgiving pictures....but things have been crazy! However, we have been practicing the use of spoon with Kalia, and on Wednesday, I decided to give her some rice cereal for the first time. She has been doing so good eating her drop of practice water off the spoon, that I thought she would do great with rice cereal. The doctor had recommended we don't give her cereal until 6 months...but we are almost there and everyone else has started at 4 or 5 months. Watch the video to see how it went...lets just say, she probably doesn't need to have food for a while...I don't think she will miss it.
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