So this week has already been crazy...we are trying to get rid of a couch, we got two new recliners (great sale at JC Penny's), Kalia got her shots on Tuesday, and she cried all day today!
So yesterday I had Dan take off early to come help me with Kalia's appointment to get her shots and meet her new pediatrician. The new doctor is great, he makes all kinds of funny noices, talked to Kalia, and even got her to laugh! As far as measurements go, Kalia is a big citizen, as the Dr. calls her. Her head circumference was: in the 90% tile, weight was in the 85% tile (she is already 12.6 lbs.), and her height was in the 75% tile. When the shots came, Kalia was initially fine, but right after the poke, her pucker lip popped out and she stared to cry. I calmed her down with her blanket, but then after that she wailed and it was allll over! The nurse said they usually stop crying if you nurse them....not my daughter...she didn't even want a bottle, all she wanted was her daddy! Dan got her to calm down after about 10 minutes of non-stop crying. Good thing we live so close to her doctor's office..just 2 minutes away. I almost told Dan to just walk home so Kalia could stay asleep and comfortable...Dan didn't think that was funny. She did make it into her car seat and stayed asleep for awhile. What a day!
This picture was taken right before we left for her shots.

This picture was taken right after we brought her home from her shots!