Friday, February 29, 2008
Crazy Week....Last Ultrasound....Is Beanut still a girl?
So this week has been very crazy in our house. Dan has been sick since Monday or Tuesday night...he thought it was just a cold, however, as the week has gone on, he has a temp of 101.5 and isn't moving too much off the couch. Every morning he seems to feel fine, then nighttime hits or rather 11am and he goes right back to not feeling well. In addition to Dan being sick, my sister came to paint Beanut's room.....we decided to go with a Carmel Macchiato color. In addition we had another ultrasound this week and a fetal echo cardiogram on Thursday morning. Luckily Dan was feeling OK to go, because it is a little nerve racking sitting through ultrasounds. We learned after our ultrasound that lasted from 8:30am-10:15am that Beanut's heart is in good condition and is located in the right spot and she...yes she, it is still a girl...weighs 1.6 pounds and is in the average percentile right now. So the "super" high risk doctor gave me a hug, said good luck, and that I didn't need to see her anymore. Now I just get to see my regular high risk doctor to continue monitoring everything else. By the way, I will post the ultrasound stuff tomorrow, but Beanut's girl parts are definitely growing very girly....meaning there is no room for anything else. So for this week, I head for a fun appointment to see the regular OB and the Hematologist....I wonder what fun that will bring?
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Dan is wait he is Awesome!
A friend of ours had this U-tube video on her Blog Spot for her husband...however, I liked it so much, so I had to post it to our blog for all of you to hear. It made me cry and think of how great Dan has been through this whole pregnancy! I have to admit he is the one thing that has kept me calm and kept my mind clear through all of this change. Thanks Dan for all your support you are the best husband-I LOVE YOU! Beanut is so lucky to have such a calm and loving daddy like you!
FYI-The singer does use one potty word....but the song is beautiful!
FYI-The singer does use one potty word....but the song is beautiful!
More Goodies for Baby Beanut!
Today I finally hooked up with my friend Marisa...I haven't seen her in ages, just kidding about a month or so! She came over to drop off a baby/birthday gift and some flowers! By the way, the cats nibbled on them while I was out!! Anyway Marisa and I think Ben too (his name was signed to the card:o) a onesie that said "Born to Shop".....Daddy Dan better be prepared! They also bought these two funny books "Country Babies Wear Plaid" and "Urban Babies wear Black" two hilariously funny books! I have to say these are also Beanuts first two NEW books! Anyway I had a great day hanging....tomorrow is the last day of my mid-winter break so...back to work! We also went out to lunch....any pregnant lady should go to Claim Jumpers for lunch...YUMMY!! Also I bought some new maternity clothes for spring, sad to say, but my shirts have gone from a size Large to X-Large...I am now feeling like a house and ready to be done being pregnant. I am one of those women who does not enjoy being pregnant...don't ask me how many months I am, it is how many weeks left!! Also, I forgot to say I had a great start to my morning...Beanut was finally kicking and moving around, I think she did a somersault in my tummy! Anyway and all in all good day full of fun! Convenientlyalso, Marisa is getting married the first weekend in June and I am due June we had some fun getting some wedding items too today!

Rockband Night!!
Yesterday morning I finally registered for my baby stuff at Babies R Us....for those of you who would like to access it on line..go to and click on the far right registry button! No one told me it was going to take from 10:30am to 1:30pm...geeesh! I am glad it is done! Luckily my sister was there to help me because after about the first hour, I just gave up! Anyhoo, after that I headed home because I was going to watch my nephews that night. Well unfortunately my nephews X-Box got the red ring of death...don't worry it is nothing contagious!! Anyway...their X-Box is gone for a couple of weeks. So they were going through last night Uncle Dan, Judd, Decker, and my sister played Rockband-I was too exhausted from registering! Jack had to miss out because he is in Astonia or Estonia...not quite sure how to spell it...anyway it he is in Russia some where for work. Check out the pictures! Decker does a great job singing the Bon Jovi song.....uh, I forget the name-mommy brain kicking in! It was just cute hearing a little 1st grader sing! Check out the pictures!

Baby Furniature is Purchased!!
On Saturday after my nephews basketball game....Go Judd!! Oh, and after I met my Friends from Lesley, my Masters program for breakfast, I met my parents to buy the baby furniture! I picked out the furniture...stay tuned for pictures.... and a glider rocker. If you have never sat in a glider rocker you are missing out! It is the most comfortable thing I have ever sat in! From day 1 I wanted one...I think my parents bought me one finally to get me to just shut up about it:o) Really mom and know how much I LOVE MY CHAIR-Anyway take a look at the pictures of Dan putting together the first piece of baby room furniture. Take notice where one of the cats are! There is also a picture of me taking a nap in the chair. I was out after 10 minutes of just sitting in the chair, then it was time to got to Dave and Elise's for dinner and to see their puppy dog! It was also a beautifully sunny is almost spring in Seattle! Sorry one of the pictures is upside down...I am just too tired to fix it!

What has been going on in the last month?
Sorry everyone we haven't written in a while. Things have been a little bit crazy....I think I say this all the time. Let's just face it between home, school, and church we are packed! For the month of February things have been going smooth and slow, I apologize for no updated pictures of myself...yes I know all of you want to see how FAT I am! But, you will just have to wait a little bit longer. Let's see....In the beginning of February we had our family combined birthday party. My parents bought me EACH their own granddaughter present. Check out the picture below, my dad bought the lemon line of clothing and my mom bought the cherry line of clothing! Very cute. Not to mention a very cute little pink Beanut elephant from my sister and her family. Our church moved locations from an actual church building a school. We have been so blessed at how smoothly that has gone...and more people are attending. Dan is still doing the drama there and plays the part of "Gordo" however, due to the pregnancy I had to bow out as "Mrs. F" his mother. Also a friend of ours, Emily, moved to New York to work/serve at a church there for a while! Yes Emily we do miss you!!! However, we found out literally that same weekend that our friend Diana is pregnant and expecting a child in October. Oh, Valentines day, Dan and I went to a Mexican restaurant....that is a new "must have" craving for me. Not to mention Clausen pickles, followed by Pistachio Almond and chocolate/peanut butter ice cream! No really weird cravings just starting to not like foods I use to like. I also saw my grandma FINALLY! She is now at home so I was able to bring them dinner and find out how they were doing! Oh, Auntie Melissa bought Beanut some cute Valentines clothes, check those out below! Also , we FINALLY got to see Dave and Elise, our friends....I am so excited my sister is going to paint the baby room and Elise is going to do a mural on the wall. I went out to a birthday dinner with Dan's family to celebrate my birthday-we went to a great new restaurant and I got some great presents-new maternity clothes and a gift card to Barnes and Noble! Well I think I better wrap this up! A ton more stuff has been going on, but things are good with us and Beanut, just trying to get the house ready 17 or 16 weeks left!!
Valentines Clothing from Auntie Melissa!
Lemon Clothing my dad picked out for Beanut!

Cherry Clothing my mom picked out for Beanut!

Cherry Clothing my mom picked out for Beanut!
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